St Paul Lutheran Church in Sheboygan Falls has been supporting us each year with a significant monetary donation and many volunteers.

In addition to supporting us with in-kind building material donations since 2020, they provided a large grant in 2022. Their staff at the Manitowoc store has been very helpful in helping us select materials and when delivering materials to a job site.

In addition to providing in-kind materials, associates from Kohler volunteer for home repair projects.

Johnsonville supported us with monetary donations in 2021 and 2023.

Taylor Ready-Mix donated concrete for a sidewalk project in 2023.

Alliant Energy Foundation supported us with a monetary donation in 2023 and 2024.

Wigg brothers has been a longtime supporter. One of their executives serves on our board and they provided low cost or no cost services in multiple years.

Sheboygan Town & Country is providing us with accommodations for our board meetings.